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The Birth of a Futa Goddess: An Unaware Hyper Futa Transformation

Her friend is becoming a futa goddess—and only she can tell!

Free Hyper Futa Story Sample Below

The Birth of a Futa Goddess Cover

Penny and Lynn are no strangers to hyper futa shenanigans in between—or during—their dungeon-delving adventures. But when a magic mishap makes Lynn more hung than ever (and growing by the minute), it falls to Penny to save the city from drowning in the desires of its newest goddess. A goddess that, along with the rest of the world, is utterly blind to the wild changes of her body. Only Penny is left to witness her ascent (and her deliciously multiplying endowments) in incredulous excitement—and shock, as it all gets out of hand.

Can Penny resist indulging in Lynn’s bottomless bounty? How far can history stretch to handle an ever-growing godddess? And what will break first? The enchantment—or the futa-flooded city?

This 8,600 word story contains: Unaware Transformation, Hyper Futa Growth (Mild to Extreme), Futanari on Female, Multi-Endowments (Mild to Extreme), Expansion, Absurd Amounts of Fluids, Belly Inflation, Ascension.

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The Birth of a Futa Goddess

An Unaware Hyper Futa Transformation

All adventurers take risks. It’s a self-selecting process. The heroes of legend, the men and women that every starry-eyed kid grows up idolizing, are those few reckless enough to keep rolling the dice and lucky enough to keep beating the odds; the kind of people to make bookies and conmen break out in cold sweat just by passing them on the street.

This thrill-seeking behavior was the only explanation for the success of Mina’s Alchemical Emporium. Sensible shoppers kept their distance to her workshop—the frequent explosions and the cloud of sulfur took care of that—but her wares were always in demand among those less weighed down by the instinct of self-preservation. As a bonus, her customer base often flush with ill-gotten gold, from this or that dungeon, and were eager to spend it before the law or some avenging ghost caught up with them. Mina, for her part, didn’t fear either.

Lynn and Penny fit perfectly into the mold of their adventuring idols. They were young, capable, and had never even heard of survivorship bias. Riding the high of their most recent exploits, there was no better time to replenish their stocks before the next world-altering calamity materialized to require their attention.

Lynn was the taller of the two, a graceful dragonkin with black hair and teal highlights, with a subtle smattering of scales gracing her skin at her shoulders and thighs. She was the close-combat fighter, wearing heavy armor and arming herself with a vicious axe. Perfect for grabbing the attention of an angry monster while her friends circled around to stab it in the back. A task that Penny excelled at: She was a redhead, nimble as a panther—naturally, being a catgirl proper—and twice as cute; as quick to get herself into trouble as she were to twist back out of it. Which, for obvious reasons, came in handy in a place as volatile as the Alchemical Emporium (an establishment that had seen firework manufacturers flee in shock).

“Let’s see. Potion of Cat’s Quickness, Owl’s Wisdom… Oh look, here’s one for you!” Penny said, laughing as she tossed the glass vial at Lynn, who swiftly caught it and read off the singed label.

Bull’s Virility? Really?” Lynn said, raising her—momentarily, his—eyebrow, her form changing, like the flowing of water, into a masculine figure for just long enough to make the point. “You think I need any help in that department?”

“That’s why it suits you! It’s no use to me,” Penny continued, smooth as butter. “I’m being very thoughtful, I know. You can thank me later. You, and whoever ends up on the other end of it.”

No use is not how I’d describe your last foray into futa magic. You ended up flooding… how many buildings again?” Lynn weighed the little potion in her hand, then tossed it back to the catgirl. “No, you’re the expert. You take it.”

“Eh, nobody were using those storehouses for anything important. I did the city a favor, clearing them out. Though I did promise I wouldn’t do something like that ever again, so… I won’t touch something like that for at least a few more weeks. Ooh, look at this one! Mixture of Multiplicity. That sounds useful in a pinch, huh? Like if you have too many cute ladies to smooch at once.”

“Sounds like the Haven council’s about to have another problem on their hands. Unless they finally kick you out for good.”

“Nah, they wouldn’t. I’m too cute. Look, this one’s all swirly and pink. About time Mina added some flavorings to all her gooey junk.”

Penny emptied the wooden rack as she went through it, insistent on inspecting every flask in detail before tossing them to Lynn for her opinion. Which was all well and good, except for her breakneck pace, which left Lynn working up a sweat juggling and replacing the delicate potions. Three of which had begun to bubble vigorously.

“Isn’t this a bit much? How many of these do we really need?” Lynn asked.

“Oh, all of them. Or maybe just a few? Who can say, really?”

“Whatever you’re thinking, cut it in half. And Don’t let Mina catch you jostling them around so much. They might be—“

Volatile, Lynn had meant to say—if she hadn’t been so rudely interrupted by the sudden detonation of alchemical solutions. One after the other, stoppers popped and glass shattered, spraying a dizzying variety of colors—real and impossible—across the cramped storage space that made up the Emporium’s showroom.

“What the fuck was that!?” a terrifying, high-pitched voice screeched from the other side of the potion-splattered wall, which was now somehow all at once freezing, melting, and vaporising.

Lynn and Penny did not answer the angry alchemist, nor did they wait for the smoke to clear.

They ran for it.


“I can see everything!

“Rinse your eyes again,” Lynn told the squirming catgirl and shoved her back under the water. “Preferably before you bring half the City Watch down here with your performance.”

“Blurgh! Fine.”

The rowdy pair had made their way down to the river, washing off in the shade of the Bridge of Sacrifices. Nobody remembered who had been killed or for what reason, but the gargoyles lining the structure made for excellent climbing opportunities. Today, they watched over Lynn and Penny while the commotion died down.

“Well. That’s another neighborhood to avoid for a while,” Lynn mused. “Hopefully Mina won’t hold a grudge for too long. I’m not going into battle without a fresh supply of health pots.”

“Eh, don’t worry about it. She forgets quickly. All the explosions, see. Hell, a shakeup like that was probably due, anyway.” Penny put on a bright smile and walked out of the water to check on her drying clothes. “And I grabbed a few things on the way out. Enough to last us through a scrap or two.”

Lynn couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, okay. Just on the off chance that we didn’t do enough crimes in one go, huh?”

“Just keeping us in the game, my noble friend. Someone has to. Plus, it would’ve been a waste to leave them behind to go up in smoke! Think of the planet, huh?”

“I will. As soon as I figure out a way to leave you unsupervised for five minutes without setting something on fire.” Lynn splashed her face in the cold water and shuddered. “That ought to do it.”

“It wasn’t technically fire this time…” Penny started, then trailed off as Lynn left the water—looking rather more impressive than usual.

“Hey, Lynn?” Penny called, “Are you still trying to make a point?”

“About what?” Lynn asked, entirely ignoring the floppy foot-long between her legs. Twelve inches of cock was putting it conservatively, Penny decided, her tail briefly swishing very fast as she pictured how it’d look fully hard.

“About… well, the Bull’s Virility, of course. Don’t think I don’t see through you. You’ve never made yourself that hung in my presence before. Didn’t know you could shapeshift that far, actually.”

“Penny, what in the blazes are you talking about?” Lynn said, setting her eyes on the catgirl.

“I’m talking about your fat dick, dummy! What else?” She pointed indignantly down at the package on display, a weighty, if attractive, stumbling block on Lynn’s otherwise feminine body. So weighty, in fact, that Penny narrowed her eyes and gasped, jabbing her finger at it  with renewed vigor.

“You did it again, you made it bigger! Now I know you’re fucking with me,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“You might’ve hit your head a little harder than you thought in the potion-shop,” Lynn suggested. “Maybe you should have another dip before we leave, freshen up.” She headed towards her clothes, hanging off the cluster of tenacious branches protruding between the slabs of stone of the bridge embankment.

“Hey, I’m not throwing shade on it or anything. It’s a cool trick, I wish I could do that. But you could at least have let me know, you know? I’m a bit of a size queen.”

“Size empress, more like,” Lynn interjected.

“Yeah, that too, thanks. So of course you can’t keep something like that a secret from me! How long have you been hiding it?”

Lynn pulled on her top and offered Penny a shrug.

“I haven’t,” she told her, plain and simple. Only, as Lynn turned to face her friend, there was, undeniably, a lot of swinging going on at crotch-height. And what Penny saw contradicted the dragonkin’s statement in every way.

“You’ve got two?” Penny cried, her eyes bulging as she stared, wide-eyed and salivating, at the pair of penises hanging between Lynn’s legs. Side by side, perfectly formed, and—Flux save her—so enormous that they nearly touched her knees!

“H-how!? What kind of quick-change bullshit is this and why have you kept it from me?” the catgirl continued, reeling with shock.

“Penny, in the nicest possible way,” Lynn said, putting her hand on the redhead’s shoulder. “What in the world are you freaking out about?”

“Your mouth-wateringly fat dicks, of course! C’mon! Are you… Ah, right! It’s the fucking potions! I thought we got it all washed off in time, but I guess not. You’re particularly susceptible to mutagens, of course. But don’t tell me you’re not at least feeling funny. I mean, jeez, those boys are like, the size of my forearm…”

She trailed off, grasping one of Lynn’s veiny shafts. It made her jittery to confirm for herself just how hefty the shaft felt in her hand, doubly so when it throbbed with a power that made her shiver and pushed her fingers apart.

Lynn smiled, as sweet and patient as ever. “Don’t know what to tell you.”

“You can tell me how amazing it must feel.” Penny said, eying her friend’s heavy, duplicated balls. “Must’ve been some premium fucking product that went up in that blast. Potent stuff. Are… are they getting bigger?

“No,” Lynn said, while her enormous cocks undeniably grew too thick for Penny’s hand to encircle even half-way. They were beyond knee-length, now, far closer to touching the ground, if not for the inexorable, rising erection that sent them jutting forwards, virile and unyielding.

“Lynn. You’ve got dicks bigger than my arms. You’re well on your way to become… well, a tripod, but with two extras. Are you going to tell me with a straight face that this doesn’t merit at least the appearance of shock?”

The enormously endowed dragonkin gave an awkward smile. She might have been apologetic, if she only she could figure out what for. Instead, she shrugged again and gave Penny’s shoulder a—hopefully—encouraging squeeze.

“I’m not shapeshifting right now, Penny. I’m not being affected by the aftershocks of the explosion. I’m just regular Lynn, just as you’ve always known me.” A low rumble emanated from her monstrous packages as she spoke, culminating in a sharp, sudden duplication of her cocks into four immense shafts. Lynn's gaze didn’t waver for even a second.

“I’ve always looked like this.”


If you liked this story, you may enjoy Coming of Spring.

Or check out more erotic futa stories in the catalog.


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