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Dominant and Divine: A Futa on Male Erotic Story

 She’s a tease. She’s in control. And she’s packing.

Free Futa Story Sample Below

Dominant and Divine Cover

Becoming a goddess was an accident. Nikki had no idea what she’d awaken, down in Hecatonic’s forbidden collections. But now she has the power—and she is eager to put it to good use on herself and Charlie, the cute boy she’s crushing on. Soon, her fantasies are coming alive—as a multitude of effortlessly overwhelming futas, ready to tease and dominate her fellow student.

With ultimate power at her disposal, what shape will Nikki take to tantalize Charlie? Is there such a thing as too big, when the boy gets all flustered at her increasing size? Will Nikki be able to control the unearthly pleasures of her changing body? And how long can Charlie keep up with her growing appetites as she becomes bigger, stronger, and more virile by the moment?

This 5,100 word story contains: Futa on Male (F/m, FFF/m), Sizeplay, Huge Endowments, Height Growth, Expansion (BE/AE/PE), Size Difference Teasing, Twins/Clones.

Get the ebook here:

Dominant and Divine

A Futa on Male Erotic Story

The dreams had grown more intense of late. Nikki awoke, bathed in sweat, her muscles stiff and her throat sore from a night of gasps and moans. In the light of day, she remembered nothing; nothing but fragments. Scattered images and imagined sensations that made her blush. Teasing voices and alluring scents. Candlelight reflecting along attractive bodies, wreathed in tight, shimmering blackness. Bodies moving together in sensual rhythm. And a beautiful face that, as hard as she tried, she could not get into focus; a woman more gorgeous any that she’d ever seen, with hair the color of flame and a body so immaculately feminine that she could only exist in a fantasy—and yet, even as the thought passed through Nikki’s brain, the woman directed her gaze downwards, to the growing bulge between her legs that surpassed that of any man alive…

Nikki sagged back once more into her tangled sheets. The visions had faded for this night. But they would return, in vivid detail, sooner than she could have known.


Disturbing ancient artifacts rarely turned out well. It’s almost as if the Elder Ones meant it when they put down those runes warning people away, on pain of the wrath of their curse. ‘We want no visitors, thank you very much. Don’t even slip a note under the door’. And yet, generations upon generations of curious—sometimes fatally so—archeologists insisted upon delving into their dusty tombs, their ruined temples, their strange idols; never stopping to think that their gods may have been forgotten for a good reason.

Hecatonic University was a beacon for such curious souls. Here, the untold histories were preserved. Here, the forbidden lore was spoken. And here, the next generation of truth-seekers were trained by the mad or infirm survivors of the last. You might call it reckless—or idiotic, dangerous, and worse things besides—to store so much eldritch knowledge in one place; but had you voiced such an opinion, you would never have been admitted in the first place.

Nikki fit right in. Here she was, breaking into the Sumerian Collection in the maze underneath the Faculty of Archeology, assisted by her current crush and fellow grad student, Charlie.

“Are you sure we’re supposed to be down here?” he asked, casting worried looks down the ill-lit corridors behind them. Shadows lurked in every corner. “The professor said—”

“We’re definitely not. Hand me the screwdriver.” Nikki forced the door with practiced ease and stepped inside. The air was still and dusty, but the young woman smiled all the same as she felt the almost oppressive weight of the time contained inside the vault; relics of old, relics of power, meticulously stored, cleaned, and labeled for her use. Something in here had called for her—she only needed to find it.

Charlie lingered at the threshold. “I don’t know about this…”

“Listen, you want to impress Professor McKinzie, right? So, you need to start from some impressive material. It’s all down here. She didn’t not say to look in the restricted storage, right?” Nikki gave him a reassuring smile, but she was far too impatient to keep it up until Charlie got over his scruples and soon ditched it in favor of unceremoniously yanking him inside.

With the door slamming shut behind him, Charlie resigned himself to her designs. “Alright then,” he said, his shoulders dropping. “What’re we looking for?”

“I don’t know yet. Something regal. Powerful. Something…” She closed her eyes—and for a moment, was transported into the half-remembered darkness of her dreams. She saw a pair of eyes, unblinking, trained at her. She saw lips, the color of rubies, full and sensual, twisted in a smirk. And, briefly, she saw Charlie, handsome and naked, lying beneath her. Then she was back, shuddering with the intensity of her vision.

“You’ll know it when you see it,” she muttered.

Charlie put his hand on her shoulder. “What was that?”

Nikki shook her head. “Nothing. Try to find something about Ea-nāṣir if you can, there should be a tablet or two down here. The old hag will love that.” Then, following a spontaneous impulse, she turned to Charlie and, mirroring her dream vision, flashed the same seductive smile at him. “If you find both, I’ll give you a special reward. You know how excited good archeology makes me…”

The boy wasted no time getting to work.

As Charlie disappeared between the shelves, Nikki was left on her own in the treasury of artefacts. To her eyes, the clay fragments, the figures, and the carved symbols seemed to come alive, moving in the corner of her eyes (and even some when she looked straight at them). A trance came over her; with her companion gone, there was no reason to hide it, to pretend that she wasn’t half-possessed. She staggered through the cramped spaces, turning left and right without hesitation, as though she’d walked these hidden paths all her life. And finally, drawn by a faint, otherworldly glow to the deepest, most secret alcove, she found it.

“Is that… a penis?” Charlie asked.

Nikki jerked back to reality at the sound of his voice. Where had he come from? But as she turned to admonish him for creeping up on her, she found that she was back under the lamp by the entrance, holding her prize up into the light. And yes, it was most certainly a penis. Fashioned in bronze and richly decorated with silver filigree, it had been fashioned with love and care into a breathtakingly lifelike ideal of a cock. Ideal—and huge, she thought, nodding with respect at the commitment to size-queening of its long-dead creator. Whoever they were, they knew what they liked.

“Yes,” Nikki said, shaking off her sluggishness. “The penis. The Cock of Gilgamesh.”

“Oh.” Charlie furrowed his brows. “Sounds a little too spicy for Professor McKinzie.”

“To hell with McKinzie. I found all I need.” Nikki gripped the heavy metal shaft tighter in her hands. She felt it throb.

“Nikki… I can tell that you’ve got ideas, and I’m here for it. But shouldn’t we at least grab some stuff that we can use for the assignment while we’re here? Before we head back to the dorms and desecrate this antique dildo?”

“No,” she said and grabbed his collar. “My ideas, first.” There was a fire burning in her eyes, a hunger that had to be sated. Simply holding the erotic artefact in her hands empowered her and entreated her to indulge in its heedless hedonism, but she wanted more. And now, at last, she saw her path clearly.

She kissed Charlie—and willed them to her bedroom.


If you liked this story, you may enjoy Futa Pilled 1: A Futa on Male Erotic Story.

Or check out more overwhelming futa stories in the catalog.


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